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3rd Month Anniversary

It's been 3 months since we got married. It was indeed an awesome day today. The day started bright and cheerful with me and him waking up early, snuggling and kissing. I bathed and got ready to office while he went to bath. We ate our breakfast together and started early to office. He was too sweet that he dropped me at office, bid me bye and he left to office from there. He reached early as well and he told everyone in his office that he dropped his wife to office and that he feels like a good family man. He talked with me with such an enthusiasm and that made me so happy. Throughout the day, I felt he was happy and that made me feel to good. I love him, I love him more when he is being this sweet. He called me in between his day, checked whether my leg is good ( PS: I hurt my knee when I was playing for the Women's VPL held at my office two days back :P ) and he was too lovely.
He talked and listened to all the stories I told to him on his way back home, ate his dinner with me and then we both kissed a lot and we had a good SESSION  later in the night. It was such a lovely day and I love this sweet husband of mine. :D