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2 friends

I will let you know one of my watsapp status.
A friend who understands you and loves you more, and a friend with the same understanding level, both are always special.
Yeah, That's true. Because I have such friends. The friend who understand me more and love me more is my dearest bestie, Priya. ( HAPPIEE BDAY DEAR, LOVE YOU<3 ) And the other type, who always thinks and acts the same way as I do, is my friend, Rakesh. Both are the very precious friends I could never ever think of losing even a single moment.
I love them both, no matter what. I couldn't get angry with my friends and I will do anything for them, whom I guess, will love me in return :P But once Priya pranked me by texting like a unknown guy for 2 days. When she told me that was her, I really got mad and did scold her. How can she play with such things to me? But I forgot and being her, I didn't say anything. She had a right to play with me and I know, sometimes, I overreact. Sorry dear. At time, I would also refuse going anywhere she planned, and she wouldn't talk with me for hours. And all these stuff happen. But we both love each other. She is the one who have complete rights on me. I love her <3

Coming to my brother, God! I don't know what to say. Because he is the one I think I had fighted many times and yet he is the one I have talked a lot. I know, I am not the kind of girl you like, I always play, I shout, I don't care about my environment, I remain myself. I can understand you that sometimes you too don't like me and I am saying this because, we are in the same wavelength, But still I like you for being my friend. But whenever you ignore me or make me feel bad, you are the one who I don't like :P Whatever the case, my little heart loves all my friends and you both have a very special place. Reasons apart. Because I really don't know how I became friends with you both and I am still thinking about that :P

Love you,both. Love all my friends. The worse feeling is, you guys should never ever forget me. It's my order and you must follow it. Love you all <3 Miss you friends.


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