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1st sem

My 1st sem included basic ECE,EEE, civil and Mech. I used to always be with those five that we always studied together, did anything together. We used to have lunch at our restroom. Gowthami used to get us something to eat always because she doesn't prefer rice. Engineering graphics, one of the major subject in this semester. My father will draw margins in my A2 sheet. Walking home carrying all those sheets, drafter are the toughest task.
Myself, gowthami and Priya used to walk home from college. It was during one of the evening that gowthami told one love story and told that it was her friend's story.
Priya and me laughed at her and was making fun of her friend. It was all fun and she did know that. At last, she said that it was her story and not her friend's. :O
And then we came to know about yuvi's story. Don't laugh. We found that everyone in my small gang was committed already except for me and priya.
We made ourselves a good pair and she was my first love and I am her first love. :p This is how my first few days of my college went. I was happy. Very.
We promised to be like this till the end of this college life. To eat together, to play together, share everything together. Because, we all will get seperated to our own departments in the following months. 

We did take a group pic together during a bazaar day.
And finally entered my department.
Department of Information Technology.

With love,
Megh :)

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