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3rd sem

My third semester. I could not forget it for two reasons. First, because of the subjects. Three programming languages. Second, I found my another best friend of my life. We people have to projects in those subjects to get internal marks. To make it difficult, our HOD was incharge of this project marks. We were asked to divide into teams of four or five people.
Yeah before that, did I tell you the representative for the boys? He was Rakesh and I haven't spoken to him before. The first time I spoke to him was to ask about the assignment submission date and he told me he would ask the concerned staff and tell me later. He got my number and while saving my contact on his phone, he verified whether my name was pallavi. Then I corrected him with my name and this was our very first conversation.
You might have guessed already, when everyone was teamed up, Me and pallavi were the one left out. And we were in Rakesh's team for that project. After asking lots of doubt to the HOD, we completed our project. HOD Sir appreciated me and him and trusted that we would do our project well :) haha, anyhow he is my bestest Bestie and I will tell more about our friendship later.
With love,
Megh :)

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